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06/26/16 08:08 AM #54    

Bonnie Bromberger (Collier)

David -  This is absolutely wonderful work.  You are to be congratulated for making such a profound contribution.  I'm proud to know that APHS and our class is engaged in such good work!

My foray into charitable work does not reach the level of yours by a lot, but it poops along doing some good as it begins its eleventh year.  It's  called New Haven Kids on Ice.  I have twenty five third graders from a local inner city school come over to the Yale rink once a week for skating lessons and fun, something these severely deprived kids would never have the opportunity to do.  Yale gives me the ice for free and has bought us several thousand dollars worth of skates.  With ten volunteers of all ages, some students and some grandparent-aged folks, we have a ball with these kids as they learn and play.  Some of our kids have moved up to the local youth hockey program, where they are being sponsored by the program. 

The idea is to teach the kids to skate, but more importantly, we hope that the  kids will see that they can, in fact, meet new challenges in life, that they can learn to do things they thought they couldn't do.  Skating has a long learning curve, but all of these kids have mastered it by the end of the term.  Their excited sense of accomplishment is our gift.

Greetings to all and congratulations to you, David.




06/26/16 12:15 PM #55    


Bob Villapiano

Kudos, David! You are in the most noblist  of professions and have given so much to your fellow man, and continue to give even after retirement. You are indeed blessed both in your professional and personal  family life, and I'm sure have the love,  thanks and admiration of all those you have served and made a positive difference in their lives!  We are proud to have shared our APHS experience with you and applaud your contributions to the community in which you serve! It's also commendable notwithstanding your injuries, that you continue to play the game you love!     Classmate, Bob Villapiano

04/10/17 07:39 PM #56    


Toby Appel

My mother, Rose Simon, graduated from APHS in 1937, as did her three brothers. My uncle, the yougest, soon to turn 90, graduated in 1945. APHS was in the same location as when we attended.  My mother had some of the same teachers, particulally Esther Royster.


04/30/17 09:32 AM #57    


Lawrence Mione (Teacher)

I realy enjoy reading all the responses of all your happenings. Would someone contact for I'm thinking is all works out that I'm trying to get it together to come to the reunion. Hoever, I have questions and need more information, its been a long time since I've been in Jersey. All my best to everyone -THE OLD LATIN TEACHERLarry Mione

04/30/17 09:35 AM #58    


Lawrence Mione (Teacher)

I don't remember her name but the wife and I met one of the female performers at Tony * Tina's Wedding show in Vegas. When she came over to our table and began chatting with us-she told us that her mother was in one of my Latin classes. WOW never know where you'll meet one. Thought I'd share.  L. Mione

12/11/17 01:46 AM #59    


David Charp

                 Catastrophes happen far away, no closer than an anonymous newspaper article. That is, not until catastrophe arrives ar your doorstep. On the night of Oct. 8, after years of drought and days of excessive heat, low humidity and sudden winds of 70 MPH, the mountains twelve miles away from my city of Santa Rosa caught fire. In just four hours, approaching from different directions, fire breached our city. At 2:00 A.M. my son awakened from a tree branch banging against his bedroom window. In the dark, with no electricity, he saw from his front window the roof across his street on fire. He gathered my daughter in law, two toddlers, two dogs, and in their nightclothes but with no shoes, escaped in their car. They couldn't find their three kittens, and they would perish. In one hour, the entire street was abalze and soon gone. My house and my daughter's home remained on the evacuation line for two more days, but stayed safe. We took in two familes. My neighbor took in a total of 45 people.                                                                                       Within 36 hours, 11,000 firefighters from about 360 fire districts in the western U.S. and Australia were on the fire line, backed by 1,000 California National Guard and police from everywhere. It would be the worst fire in U.S. history in lives lost (44) and economic damage to one city (9 billion), with 5100 houses and 900 businesses lost and 100,000 people at its height evacuated from their homes. Two children died who got separated from their escaping familes. I lost a long time patient, a very good man, and I'm sure Dan died trying to help somebody else. We lost one of our main high schools, and 2 of our 3 hospitals evacuated all their patients. 200 of the 1000 doctors in and around our city lost their homes.Our Free Medical Clinic continues to work overtime, manned by some volunteer doctors who themselves have no home.                                                                                                                                                                   My wife Gail and I have a California Licensed "Comfort Dog," who has been in helicopters and fire engines, taken to scenes of catastrophe. For three weeks we took her everyday to grammar schools to be with little kids who lost their home or family pet. We took her to the firefighters campgrounds, and you would see big strong and very dirty and tired men and women coming off the fire line after 24 hours and roll on the ground, laugh and play with out Lab. Under one foot of ashes at my son's home we pulled out the heavy metal frame of our 35 year old beautiful grand piano, cleaned it up, and brought it to our front lawn. My wife devised a sign "Sonoma Is Strong," placed it next to the upright frame for all to see. A picture of it was put center on the stage at one of our city's commemorative events. I have been overwhelmed by the heroism that occurred and by the volunteerism and resiliency of our people. For instance, in one of our many charities, about $30 million dollars has been raised by about 30,000 people, the money to be given to whomever needs it.                                                                                                                                                      The streets of our beautiful but bruised city are lined with flags of determination, the Stars and Stripes, the Great Flag of the State of California, the battle flag of the California National Guard and in the nearby hillsides between the burnt vineyards and majestic redwoods there are now new green shoots. Rebirth. We forget how much we need each other. We are tough people. We proved it. It's just that we don't want to have to prove it again.                                                                David Charp



12/11/17 10:39 AM #60    


Ira Wexler

David - so moving and troubling to read your heartfelt words and feel your thoughts... It's so easy to just 'live our lives' and not think about tragedies like this.   Thank God your family is safe... I can't begin to imagine the heartache, the peril, the flames consuming whole neighborhoods.  You words are stirring and most moving and serve to communicate so deeply... Sending blessings, luck and love to you and your family, your neighbors and your community.  Our daughter and son-in-law live in LA with our two-year old grandson and we are grateful that, thus far, flames have not reached their Highland Park neighborhood.   I can't imagine the trauma and tragedy hitting everyone in your community and, was heart-warmed to read what you'd written about little green shoots appearing.  Stay safe with your family, friends, loved ones and neighbors.  As Orphan Annie sez "... the sun will come up tomorrow.." and I know for sure that you will be there, smiling and serving.  Bless you David, and thanks so much for sharing..


12/11/17 11:19 AM #61    


Howard Daniel

Thank you for sharing your experience, David. Very eloquent. My wife and I too live in Santa Rosa, but we were traveling -- visiting kids and grandkids back east (and, a week later, attending the 55th reunion) when the fire broke out. Here's what I wrote about the fire --

12/11/17 12:49 PM #62    

Jerry Feinstein (Franks)

Thank you David - I mentioned to a political friend that I think our Governor Brown should declare a fireman/police officers DAY - 


It's going to be 82 degrees here in California - but I we are relocating back to Roanoke, Virginia late this month.

I will change my info on my profile.


All good wishes for a healthy, happy and safe New Year!

 Jerry (Franks)

03/08/18 12:34 PM #63    


David Charp

     The Santa Rosa California Free Medical Clinic went through a rough patch in Dec. 2017. In Oct. our city lost 5300 homes and 900 businesses because of the massive wildfire and many thousands lost their place of employment. Our all-volunteer clinic works off a yearly budget of about $300,000 for lab tests, X Rays and medicines, with no money needed for payroll. Our two largest donors, each contributing $5000 per month, Medtronic Corp. and Blue Shield, notified us in Dec. they would instead direct their contributions to the general fire fund, certainly a desirable goal but putting us in a fiscal bind. Meanwhile, our patient load keeps increasing.                                                                                                                                                                     To stay open and remain solvent we had to find new contributors. Our fund raising committee (actually one individual woman who could charm you into giving away your shirt and with a smile on your face), over a two week period in late Dec. obtained what for us is three years' worth of funds, almost one million dollars.              We are now able to start a mental health clinic, a physical therapy clinic, an acupuncture clinic and an outreach program to notify designated areas and designated groups that we offer free medical care and also to follow up on patients to make sure they're doing OK. One of our four original doctors (all retired) further retired from our clinic, so we're down to three and remain short of M.D. and Nurse Practitioner help, but it looks like we've got plenty of money for the next three years.                                                                                      In Santa Rosa you have to pay a buck for a Hershey Bar but there is a place to obtain 100% free medical care, at no cost to you or the government, no questions asked. After all, go back far enough and we're all brothers and sisters, From infants to the aged, any color or nationality, just say the magic words at our door: "I don't feel good. Can you help me?"   David Charp        And for me, a further positive note. My shoulders are fixed, my fastball is back, the infield grass is turning green and smells so sweet.   BASEBALL. Doc the Pitcher




03/09/18 08:32 AM #64    

Roy Kaplan

Hi David.  You're doing great work.  Keep it up.  This week I covered discrimination in health care in my class on Racism in America.  I wish other leaders would emulate your good deeds.  Looking forward to seeing you in May.


All the best,



03/09/18 12:29 PM #65    

Deno Kutrumbos

Proud of you David way way way proud of you and your staff!!! Followed the tragedy and devastation from the wildfires as I have many acquaintances from your area & met my wife Betsy when she was living in Santa Rosa back in 1972... good luck and cheers Deno

03/10/18 12:14 AM #66    

Theresa "Lorraine" Hartigan (Nonnenberg)


You and your work (your baseball "career" and your dog) never cease to amaze me!smiley  Your humulity won't allow you, but I will go there and give your classmates a "heads up" and congratulate yes both you and Roy for both being inducted to the upcoming 2018 APHS Distinguished Hall of Fame on May 10, 2018 at the Shadowbrook in Shrewsbury.

Kudos to you both for your distinguished careers and accomplishments .... adding yet two more to the list of APHS Inductees from the great class of 1962!

Again, Congrats to you both and looking forward to seeing you and Roy in May



03/11/18 01:31 AM #67    


Howard Daniel

Fabulous work, David. Let's get together soon.

03/11/18 08:47 PM #68    


David Charp

Thank you all for your kind words. Deno, What was your wife's maiden name? I've seen so many last names in my practice here for almost 45 years that I think I know just about all. Roy and Lorraine, see you in May. Roy, maybe you can show up sans tie. I haven't worn one of those ropes around my neck since 1969 and I'd hate to break my streak now. It's always nice to hear from our Drum Majorette Betty, whom I'd like to respond to later. Howard, it's been about four years since our last lunch and it's past time. How about any Monday, including tomorrow? If you could show up at the clinic, 50 Montgomery Dr. (I'm there every Monday), about 11:30 when the morning shift finishes, I'll take you across the street to lunch. In fact, at the clinic, if you put a buck into our contribution pot, I'll give you the Monday Special- a check on your vital signs, heart and lung exam, blood sugar test and I'll throw in a prostate exam. It is amazing that with all the advances in Medicine, such as hi-tech laser surgery for cataract removal, we're still left checking the other end with a finger. But joking aside, it is serious business. At age 45 my wife starting insisting I have a yearly prostate exam. So I'd go around the corner to a doctor buddy for the ritual. At age 48 he found early prostate cancer. Surgery then done, I'm fine 25 years later.  Howard, if Mondays aren't good, how about a Sunday after one of our baseball games? I'm especially thinking of May 6. A new team from San Francisco/Oakland moved up to our age division, now that their age is 60 and over. They have 4 ex-major leaguers, whose sum total of years in the big leagues was at least 25. They don't like to lose, and my team was 20 wins, no loss last year, and 39-1 in the last 2 years. I've pitched against all of them in past state tournaments, but individually and not all together as one team. You can give me moral support and (most likely) consolation, afterward. They want to knock our block off, especially mine.                                          To half my classmates: Get a prostate check. To everyone, get a colonoscopy once every 10 years. I've seen it save many lives.       Doc the Pitcher


03/12/18 11:28 AM #69    


Howard Daniel

Thank you, David. I'll respond more completely by email.

03/12/18 03:00 PM #70    

Deno Kutrumbos

Hey Dave , Betsy's last name Rexford, those days Betsy was a speech pathologist & special education teacher for the Sonoma School District traveling morso in the rule areas, Dr.. Betsy recently retired as a psychologist and Adjunct professor at the University of Denver.... diligent advice Dave with the prostate & colonoscopy reminders it's been over 10 years now but I'm still walking around with 91 seeds in my prostate !!!  Hey Doc how about starting a historical medical symposium with our classmates it would be sobering maybe fun hopefully not TMI🤗 🤔😁

03/13/18 11:12 PM #71    

Marilyn Ann Lebedoff (Goldman)

When I checked Facebook this morning I was hit with such sad news.  Our classmate Ginny Michelson has passed away.  Her daughter Shirley Kosick left a post about her mother's passing at 2:15 AM on March 13, 2018.  Ginny had been battling cancer for three years.  My condolences to her family and friends.crying

03/15/18 04:14 PM #72    

Jerry Feinstein (Franks)

I too am very saddened to learn of Ginny's passing.  A smile to be remembered forever.  May her

family and friends be comforted at this time - I am thankful to have been in her "happy" energy!


Jerry Franks

02/02/19 09:23 AM #73    


Lawrence Mione (Teacher)

I thoought I'd drop a note, The last few years have been very hard. My wife Judy, passed away on July 27, 2018. I spent many days in the Nursing home with her; however she did go peacefully. Prayers are always welcom.

Unbelieveable, on February 13, I qill become 84 years old. ; I do plan to make some major decisions. Iwill be leaving Florida and moving to Maryland. I'm looking forward to the change and will be my closer to family and friends. I cannoot thank all of you for continuing to stay in touch with me. 

I was sad to  hear of the passing of some of my students. Each one brought back some good memories. My God continue you all the Blessings of God, Excellent health. My thoughts are with you all.

Lawrence V. Mione

02/03/19 12:22 PM #74    

Betty Ann Moore (Mela)



Dear Dr. Mione,

I am very sorry for your loss and understand how difficult these past years have been. Please accept my condolences. Our class thanks you for all that you did for us at APHS and for your continued connection with us.  

I am very happy to hear you have new plans and know that your family and friends will be delighted to have you closer by. I have always been impressed by your family and know how close you are to each other. As for your next birthday, you will be 84 years young and once again, a wonderful role model for all of us.

As you know, we are a family of teachers and principals. No Superintendents right now.As you also know, it is a privilege and a joy to be with children and in schools. Happy to tell you Latin is alive and well in our children and grandchildren’s schools.

Thanks so much for reaching out. I will look forward to hearing how your move goes.

Warm wishes,

Betty Ann Moore Mela







02/04/19 01:36 PM #75    


Howard Daniel

Very sorry to hear of your loss, Dr. Mione. How sad!

I think it's rather remarkable that after all these years you still remember us from the class of '62 and follow our news. You will probably be pleased to know that after two years of Latin at APHS, the first one with you, I went on to learn several other languages. I had three years of Spanish, also at APHS (Ms. Matthews). In college and grad school I learned Russian (lots of declensions and numerous other complications!) and years later got to use it when I worked at the U.S. consulate in Leningrad. I also learned Hindi in the Peace Corps (and lived and worked in a village in India) and Portuguese in connection with my Foreign Service posting to Brazil. At the time I lived and worked in those countries I was quite fluent in their respective languages. Unfortunately, they're all rusty now, but I can still hack my way through Russian and Portuguese. You might find some of my blog stories from my time abroad of interest — You might also be interested in some of my blog items on language,

I wish you good health and many happy years close to family in Maryland.

05/08/19 07:48 AM #76    

Mickey Schreiber

Sad to hear about Alan's passing.  A really great guy. My fondest memory is in behind the wheel driving class.  Such a

terrible driver that kept the rest of us in the back seat in constatnt horror.

11/30/21 08:19 PM #77    

Milton Carson




11/30/21 10:02 PM #78    


Vincent Gorman

Hello Jessie,

I am so sorry for your loss.  My heart goes out to you and your family.  Thank you for taking the time, especially under such difficult circumstances, to let us know.  I will wait to hear back concerning any details you care to share before posting Milton's information on our web site.

Wishing you peace,

Vinnie Gorman



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