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Asbury Park High School
Class Of 1962 - Sixty Years and Counting


WelcomBlue Bishops!!!


All in the Family

-Alumni HoF Announces 2024 Inductees-

The APHS Distinguished Alumni Hall of Fame recently announced the latest inductees for its Tenth Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony.  Of the ten new inductees, Barbara Yvonne Clayton and Vinnie Gorman from the Class of ’62 are listed.  They join the ranks of fellow classmates previously inducted including Joe Reed Jr., Dr. Paul Agris, Alan Segars, Claudia Faye Peek Corbin, Dr. David Charp, Dr. Roy Kaplan, and Henry “Hank” Nonnenberg.

The Hall of Fame was founded in 2003 by a number of dedicated APHS alumni as a non-profit corporation formed to recognize alumni who have distinguished themselves in a variety of endeavors and thus provide positive role models for current APHS students.  One hundred and twenty-two (122) alumni have previously been inducted into the Hall of Fame.

Two members of our “neighboring” Class of ’63, Angelo “Nubby” Napolitano and Mary Kaplan are included among this year’s inductees who will be honored at the October 17th ceremony*.

Congrats to Barbara, Vinnie and all the inductees for being selected and a BIG THANK YOU to the Hall of Fame Committee members for their service and endless loyalty to our alma mater.


+ + + + +

* For more information about the Induction Ceremony CLICK HERE.


Mike O'Neill

Sadly we recently learned that Mike O'Neill passed away.  His son Brendon shared the news with friends on Facebook.

We send our condolences and deeepest sympathies to his wife of 54 years Fran, Brendon and friends. 

* * * * *

Thanks to Ollie Jones for bringing this to our attention.

Dr. Mione - Honoree at Our 60th Reunion

We recently learned that Dr. Larry Mione passed away on June 27, 2024.  His daughter, Catherine, notified Steve Klitzman who shared the sad news with us.  Many in our class first knew Dr. Mione as our freshman year Latin or English teacher. He was then a young, enthusiastic teacher who always had a smile for us.  Little did we know that “Larry” as he later preferred to be known would have an extremely full and demanding professional life which included principalships in elementary, middle and high schools and other high level administrative positions.  He retired as a Professor at the University of Central Florida.

We certainly did not know that our class would remain important to him through all these years.  He wrote to some of us, was active on our class website and was a much-loved member of the Bethesda Boys Lunch Group.  He treasured his time with fellow Marylanders David Bachner, Steve Klitzman, Arlee Reno and Jerry Spechler.

Grandfather to thirteen and great grandfather to twelve, Dr. Mione was always up for a party, especially one with music and dance.  He was an honoree at our 60th reunion and led the way on the morning AP boardwalk walk and the evenings reunion party dance floor.  

Always full of energy and with a twinkle in his eye, he lived his life to the fullest every day.  We know his memory will be a blessing to his family. Young at heart and always optimistic, Dr. Mione is already missed. 

                  -Requiescat in Pace-

What he loved most...teaching

Click here to view obituary.


All in the Family

Our very own sociologist/author is at it again! 

Roy Kaplan's seventh book titled:

Asian Americans at the Margins is available now.


Roy Speaking at APHS Hall of Fame Induction

Almost fifty years since his first book was published Kappy continues to actively explore social issues and to share his findings/observations in the classroom, with his peers, and the general public.  

The Class of '62 is proud to count Roy as one of ours and applauds his outstanding career.

+ + + + +

Click here for information about book purchase. 


All in the Family

See Coach Snow (upper right) and Coach McGurrin (upper left)

Coach Snow recently celebrated his 90th birthday and wanted to make sure all those who wished him well knew how much he appreciated your thoughts.  Although birthdays are normally celebratory this is a difficult time for Coach as his wife Vi recently passed away.  Can you believe they were married for 70 years! 

Many of us got to meet Vi as she and Coach attended our 50th reunion.  What a special night it was for them to travel north and share stories from our time together at APHS.  And the highlight of the night was when coach handed out signed baseballs from our team.  Can you imagine preserving memorabilia for 50 years and passing it along to his players.

Click here to read more about Vi’s extraordinary life and the wonderful time she and Coach shared traveling the world and raising a fantastic family while all the time excelling in their respective academic professions.

Coach, we are delighted you and Vi joined our little world and wish you all the best in the years ahead.

PS - And let's not overlook Coach McGurrin's support and contributions to our web site thru the years, especially when coming all the way from Great Britain.  Thank you Coach McGurrin!

+ + + + +


All in the Family

I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for some good news.  How about Kuch and The Hammer Part II! 

Rich coached college basketball for over 30 years and has seen just about all there is to see in the game.  Having attended almost every final four the past 57 years, here he is last March opining about this year’s Final Four and the impact of paying college students to play ball.

(I’ve been saving this for just the right time --  which is now.)

I know you will enjoy this backyard chat and Kuch’s insight’s – so proud of you man!



And the beat goes on...

You continue to amaze...say hello to our 150,000th site visitor.

Arlee Reno

Arlee joins the distinguished ranks of these fellow classmates/teachers who themselves set milestones since our web site's July 2012 launch.

140,000th - Fred Bates

130,000th - Marty Greenspan

120,000th - Peter Klein

100,000th - Bobby Villapiano

95,000th - Richard Wills

90,000th - Coach Robert McGurrin

85,000th - Carol Herbison

80,000th - Gary Major

75,000th - Howard Daniel

65,000th -Peggy Newman Vegosen

50,000th - Steve Castello

45,000th - Jerry Spechler

40,000th - Irene Naris (Stamatogianis)

35,000th - Bonnie Bromberger (Collier)

30,000th - Sammy Siciliano

25,000th - Beth Greenhill (Lucero)

Congratulations and many thanks to Arlee and to all our previous honorees, for being such faithful supporters. 

And kudos to all of you who help keep our site vibrant and allow it to play a small part in your lives some 60 Years and Counting since graduation!





Teacher/Coach Robert McGurrin

The Class of '62 belatedly (my bad) sends its very special well wishes on your 95th birthday.  What an extraordinary accomplishment...but then, you're an extraordinary person who was a wonderful source of inspiration to so many in our class. Hope your special day was filled with smiles, love and celebration!

* * * * * 





All in the Family

Mark Toback


Living the life...what a special 20th anniversary tribute !

Here's Mark and fellow employees being treated to dinner and well-deserved recognition in the owner's lounge for their dedication to the Eagles organization.

* * * * * 

Mark is one of a few dedicated employees who has worked at Philadelphia's Lincoln Financial Field since the stadium opened in 2003. Here they are being honored on the stadium's big screen during a recent Eagles game.

Can you locate Mark?  Here's a hint - Green cap and a "big" wave.  Need more -- front row far right.  Need more -- call Mark...LOL.

Congrats Mark -- Class of '62 is proud to call you one of ours.



All in the Family

Hard to believe over a year has passed since we celebrated our 60th reunion!  Remember, as part of the weekend’s festivities lots of goodies were distributed at Saturday night’s dinner including a Blue Bishops cap (courtesy of Jed Gaines).  The mementos were intended to give those who attended a permanent reminder of the fun weekend and the good times shared while attending APHS.

One classmate, who unfortunately could not join in the fun, was a surprise recipient of his very own “A” cap, compliments of Chas Honeker.  Chas chose to send Hal (Zvi) Shulman his cap as a gesture of their lifelong friendship.

As an expression of gratitude, Hal sent Chas a self-portrait sketch wearing his new Blue Bishops cap.  Hal graciously agreed to allow us to share his work with his classmates.

This isn’t the first time we’ve seen Hal wearing a Blue Bishops cap.  As a member of the Varsity Baseball team he proudly donned the “A” cap for our Shore Conference Championship team.

To see more of Hal’s incredible talents click here to check out the Metaphone 2015 Series where his creative writing and sketching are on full display.  Remember Hal’s Huddle on the sports pages of the Megaphone?  An early sign of what was to come in later years.

Here's to you Hal (Zvi) and your family -- please know you are in our thoughts no matter how many miles and years separate us.


All in the Family

A big shout out to Ollie Jones for his 40+ years of service to the Asbury Park Boys Club.  Ollie was recently honored at the Boys and Girls Clubs of Monmouth County 85th Anniversary Gala for his selfless service and dedication.  He has been a member of the Board of Directors for over four decades serving with distinction and unmatched devotion.

Family, friends, and many community members gathered to say thank you and to celebrate his loyalty to the organization.  And to cap off a wonderful evening, almost $200,000 was raised for club member scholarships!

Boys and Girls Club Board of Directors

Proud father with son Brian

Ollie joined the Asbury Park Boys Club in 1952 and attributes his life's success to the valuable lessons he learned at the Boys Club where "there was no shortage of activities" for him and his friends.  Here we are some 70 years later with Ollie helping to ensure that today's youth enjoy the same life-enhancing experiences -- while at the same time serving as an impeccable role model.

The Class of '62 joins Ollie's countless supporters in saying thank you for your service.

+ + + + +



Congrats Teammate!!!

Special Note of Interest: Ollie's plague base is from the original bleachers built in 1956 -- pretty cool! 


All in the Family


Did you know classmate Alvin Bernard is an accomplished cornet player who competes nationally both as a soloist and member of the Tampa Brass Band?  He and the band just recently competed in the North American Brass Band Association’s (NBBA*) 2023 competition in Huntsville, Alabama.

Alvin - top row 2nd from left.

Here's Alvin playing in the soloist competition where he finished 6th out of sixteen competitors.  He and the band regularly compete against the finest brass bands and soloists in the country -- and get this -- some of his competitors are a third his age.  Way to go gramps!!!

Alvin’s been successfully competing almost 20 years now and has finished second four times ranging as far back as 2005.  

The format for NBBA competition follows the British style brass band which is different from “usual” concert bands or Frank Bryan’s APHS band.  Click here for a description of the British model.  Back in 2005 Alvin and the Brass Band of Central Florida won NBBA’s national competition in Chicago and, as a result, traveled to England and successfully competed in the British Open Brass Band Championships…and as Alvin put it – competing against “the big boys.”

Well, no doubt, Alvin's one of the "big boys" of the class of '62 and we applaud and celebrate his special talent as does Mr. Bryan who undoubetly is smiling down from above.

+ + + + +

* Not to be confused with the National Amateur Body-Builder’s Association (NBBA)...LOL


All in the Family

And the “hits” just keep coming…not good for your ERA Doc…LOL.

Look who’s featured in the latest Pittsburgh Medical School Magazine.  None other than our classmate David “Doc” Charp.  Seems All in the Family isn’t the only journalistic enterprise that took note of David’s matchless passion for both baseball and serving his community.

Click here to read all about it...

* * * * *

Way to go Doc – you are without doubt the Class of ‘62’s Cy Young winner!

Best pitch you ever made Doc...


All in the Family

Joan Sakelaris (Corcione)


As promised, Michael Corcione, Joan’s son, will soon be discounting All the Fish Are Butterflies on Amazon for a limited time only. The e-book edition will be available for 99 cents from August 27 to August 31.

If you have not yet read Joan’s honest, courageous, and fast-paced memoir, you are missing an opportunity to revisit the time and places in which we grew up. Those years will come flying back as you turn the pages. The smiling, friendly, vibrant Joan we all loved faced many challenges as a child and throughout her life. Her mother’s mental illness left a lasting impact on her. She was brave enough to let us know.

Joan’s memoir is written well.  Her art work adds to her story and is a joy to the eye.  You will admire Joan’s accomplishments and the obstacles she overcame. 

Michael appreciates our class support for his efforts in publishing his mom’s book.  In this context, he would be grateful to anyone who submits a review of the book to Amazon.  It is easy to do. Reviews need not be Shakespearean! Just a quick mention of how you were affected by Joan’s story would be terrific. Reviews help books achieve recognition. Submitting a review, and giving it a good rating, at Amazon and other online bookstores (Apple books, Barnes and Noble, Goodreads, for example) would be a kind and thoughtful way to honor Joan. 


See also,

* * * * *


Joan's son, Michael, has just released a new version of Joan's memoir.  The new title All the Fish Are Butterflies comes from a line in a poem Joan wrote called The Mermaid's Song.  The content is virtually the same while the poem along with many of Joan's drawings are newly added to this version.

The revised version is available on Amazon and Michael told us he will be offering a free, or deeply discounted, version of the Ebook sometime in August.  We'll let you know when it is out.

Michael, a professional writer, extends his sincere thanks and appreciation to all his mom's classmates for their support and helping to keep the memory of his mom alive.

Go here to read about the revised book.

* * * * * 

(Thanks to Nancy Whitehead  Zielinski for sharing this information with us.)

- Original Post -     

While talking with Nancy (Whitehead) the other day about our 60th reunion plans she mentioned having just returned from Florida.  When there she visited with Joan (Sakelaris) Corcione’s son, Michael.  He surprised Nancy by handing her a book which turns out was written by his mom Joan.  More on that later.

You may recall that Joanie was elected both Wittiest and Best Natured for our Senior Mosts.  Always with a wonderful smile and, of course, one liners worthy of the best stand-up comics of our generation.  Joanie was an active contributor on our class web site as she continued to share her everlasting, engaging personality for us all to enjoy.  Unfortunately, Joan passed away in 2018 creating an irreplaceable void as attested to by the In Memory comments written here.

Turns out the book Michael handed Nancy was Joan’s Memoir – “Waves of Yesterday" -- co-authored by Joan and her son Michael.  It was published in May 2022.  Joan describes growing up in Asbury Park and discloses a part of her life very different than the clever, good-natured person we all came to know and love.  As fate would have it, the page Nancy turned to, Joan spoke about her good friend Nancy.

Book Overview

"The year was 1961 and I was a fair-haired girl in a golden world. I lived in a stately home in an upscale neighborhood and was a member of a well-respected family. My parents appeared to be happily married, and my father was a successful businessman. They were the good times, Asbury Park's glory days. My mother was well then. It was only a year before the scream in the night. My family was oblivious to the demon lurking in the dark recesses of our home.

     The beast sat outside a window, crouching like a wide-eyed gargoyle, baring his horrid teeth, waiting to slink through a crevice in the wall, and destroy our unsuspecting family. That double demon didn't destroy my family all at once, that would have been too easy. He infiltrated our sanctuary and destroyed us slowly, like water dropping, drop by drop, on the face of a stone. He lived in Pandemonium, that noisy hall of demons. I have met that demon face to face; he is Legion. His name is mental illness."

     The author writes of growing up in the late 1950's at the bustling shore town of Asbury Park, New Jersey. Delightfully, she tells of working at her father's homemade candy shop and describes the cultural clash of her Greek father and Dutch mother while pointing out the negative stereotypes of women during that time. With a touching and heartfelt narrative, she examines her mother Marjorie's struggle with mental illness and institutionalization in the early 1960's.  She writes of marrying her high school sweetheart.  The author questions her mental health while struggling with personal tragedy as a mother and wife: her son's injury in a car accident and her husband's debilitating disease. All her personal tragedy leads her to a spiritual awakening.

* * * * * 

For more information and where to purchase Joan's Memoir click here.


All in the Family

Armstrongs' bring home bocce championship.

After a long season at the Enclave Community in Ocean Township, Bob and Linda held off fierce competiton to win two out of three games in the final match to win the much coveted 2023 community bocce championship.

Like a heat-seeking missle searching for the pallino -- did he "kiss" it?  We'll never know.

Congratulations Bob and Linda!!!

* * * * *

P.S. - What we do know is he kissed his partner -- wise man!


All in the Family

Look who's still at it...

Here's David "Doc" Charp (far right) throwing out the first pitch for his California baseball league's annual game at the Oakland Coliseum in late July.  Sharing in the honor are his son-in-law (far left) and grandson (middle).  Three generations partaking in their love of the game with family members in the stands rooting them on.

The Class of '62 applauds it's very own version of Satchel Paige...way to go Doc!


Sue Umstead

For 0ver 40 years Sue has happily opened her house to the public to welcome them during the Christmas holidays.  She and her mom created a remarkable Winter Wonderland year after year for neighbors, fellow church members, Sue’s school colleagues, travel groups, and referrals which ultimately produced hundreds of annual visitors during the holiday season.

We thought it would neat to “invite” classmates for a special July walk-through so you too can experience the imagination, amusement, wonder and enjoyment that Sue annually provides hundred's of visitors.

And her kindness doesn’t stop there – as she has offered to host a special get together just for classmates next year.  What an offer, especially for the thirty-nine who live in Florida – a deal you cannot refuse.

Ok, grab your favorite drink and snack – sit back and enjoy your personal tour.

For best view select [ ] for large screen display.


All in the Family

Wendy (Kessler) Edelson's husband Stan continues to amaze.  Stan, a life-long runner, recently competed in the USATF Masters Nationals held at the Norton Sports Center, Louisville, Kentucky.

Norton Sports Center

Not only did he compete, Stan "walked" away with three gold medals in the 80-84 Age Group!

- Gold - 3000 Meter Run

- Gold - 1500 Meter Run

- Gold - 4 x 800 Meter Relay (world record time)


Stan ran the anchor leg for the 800 meter relay team whose time set a new world record!

Stan (2nd from the left) with world record teammates.  

Stan, we know Wendy is rightfully very proud of you - and now you can add the Class of 1962 to your ever-growing fan base.



All in the Family

Remember preparing for and attending your first summer overnight camp.  Was it the Boy Scouts Jamboree with Ken Brockel’s scoutmaster father, maybe Oakhurst Country Day Camp’s weekender, Asbury Park's YMCA summer camp, or even better, a family trip to the Catskills?  Whatever it was, I suspect it was an adventure that created memories you cherish to this day.

Jeff Lieberman

Well, meet Jeff Lieberman, son of classmate Steve.  Jeff is the co-founder of SleepAwake Camp – a 30-day summer bootcamp for young adults (18-27) that focuses on the mind, heart, body, and spirit.  It’s a unique program designed to unlock hidden talents and supercharge growth in young adults.

Jeff is certainly a prime example of “supercharged” growth earning multiple degrees from MIT.  He is an artist, musician, builds sculptures internationally, and a photographer.  You can read about his SleepAwake Camp by clicking here.  For more information about Jeff check out this site.  

Here’s one campers take on her experience –

“SleepAwake is an opportunity to finally live more fully. This is the pathway to an embodied, meaningful life. I have never felt so free.”

Congratulations to Jeff and his team and a special shout out to his parents Steve and Josie.  They are, as is the Class of ’62, very proud of Jeff’s work and selfless commitment to make our world a better place.

I think we can all agree that SleepAwake is not your Father's sleepover camp.

* * * * *

All in the Family

Seems like basketball has been a hot topic the last couple of weeks thanks to Kuch’s interview with the Hammer – and what a great story it is!  Over 30 years in college coaching while positively impacting hundreds of scholar/athletes – while all along fashioning a legacy Rich and the Class of ’62 can forever be proud of.

As a young player, Rich and many of his grammar and high school teammates played at Asbury Park’s Boys Club.  Along with Asbury’s YMCA, the Boy’s Club was a mainstay for young area athletes to develop and test their basketball skills.  Some 70 years later The Club sits in the same location and remains to this day a critical resource for the community where its members learn life-long lessons to become productive members of society.

Members of the Class of ’62 are important contributors to the club’s long-term success.  Ollie Jones has been a member of the Board of Directors some 40 years and continues to volunteer his services.  The original gym, that was built in the 1950’s, was recently totally renovated thanks to support from among others, the Jules L. Plangere,  Jr. Family Foundation.

Here's Ollie with life-long friend Joe Reed, Jr.

So good to see that the Monmouth County Boys and Girls Club continues to play an instrumental role in shaping the area’s future leaders and that APHS’s Class of ’62 is a supporter.

* * * * * 


All in the Family

As promised - here's Kuch and the Hammer -- Part 2...

The seed was sown at Ocean Township's Dow Avenue BB team

and took root with APHS's Blue Bishops...





All in the Family

Check out Kuch and the "Hammer" proud of ya man!

Ocean Township Dow Avenue BB Team...where it all started.

So many fond memories, friends and good times together...little did we know how fortunate we were.

Stay tuned for Part 2 comin' soon...


Support Class Web Site Campaign...



You did it again...the Class of '62 is without doubt the "Leader of the Pack" especially when it counts the most.  Because of the generosity of many of our classmates the class treasury now has sufficient funds to continue for several more years.  In just seven days you pledged a little over $1800.

Both your financial support and active participation on the site help to ensure that we stay connected and the many friendships that were renewed during and since our 60th Reunion Celebration will be preserved for years to come.

It is our fervent hope that the site will continue to grow and present an entertaining forum where classmates can share stories about personal experiences, interests, family and the good times we had "cruising" the hallowed halls of APHS.

Thanks to all those who are the VERY BEST!


60th Reunion Headline...Hot Off the Press!

Check out the Op-Ed Roy Kaplan recently submitted to the Asbury Park Press.


60th Reunion Grand Success

Weather was perfect and so was our 60th reunion celebration.  Our special guest Dr. Lawrence Mione joined us from Maryland and was the star of the weekend!  Many thanks to all those you attended and for helping to make it an event we will cherish forever.

Dr. Lawrence Mione - Honored Guest

Festivities began Friday night with a meet & greet followed by Saturday's two events including walking the AP boardwalk in the morning and gathering for dinner that evening.

Lots of catching up on personal and family stories and reminiscing about our glory years at APHS filled the weekend with plenty of merriment and even some tears along the way. 

Click here for a taste of the weekend’s happenings and to “visit” with classmates who helped to make it an unforgettable experience.





Remember when...

Select Full Screen [  ] for best view.


All in the Family

Ron Taft’s daughter, Maggie, has authored a new book titled “The Chieftain and the Chair: The Rise of Danish Design in Postwar America.”  It will be available from Amazon and Barnes and Noble on April 17, 2023.

Maggie teaches in the Master of Arts Program in the Humanities at the University of Chicago and is founder and director of the Haddon Avenue Writing Institute, a community-based writing center in Chicago.  She’s been teaching writing for over ten years. Trained to teach at the University of Chicago and Washington University in St. Louis, she has led workshops, instructed one-on-one, and edited the work of professional writers.

Before establishing the Institute, Maggie earned a PhD in art history from the University of Chicago, where her dissertation "Making Danish Modern, 1945–1960" received the 2015 Dean's Distinguished Dissertation Award in the Humanities. From 2014–16 she served as Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in Modeling Interdisciplinary Inquiry at Washington University in St. Louis. Her writing and reviews have appeared in many magazines and journals including ArtforumThe PointTexte Zur KunsteDesign and Culture, and The Journal of Design History. She is coeditor of Art in Chicago: A History from the Fire to Now (University of Chicago Press, 2018), the first single volume history of art in Chicago from the nineteenth century through the present day. Maggie's book, The Chieftain and the Chair: Danish Design in Postwar America is forthcoming from the University of Chicago Press.

+ + + + + + 

The Class of ’62 and its ever growing family never cease to amaze – CONGRATs Maggie and to her dad Ron – we are so proud of you!


All in the Family

Sue Umstead recently shared photos from her personal album that take us back in time to our days together at APHS.  Check out this video which includes her photos which serve as a vivid reminder how fortunate we all were to call ourselves Blue Bishops! 

How many classmates do you recognize???  

-- For best viewing select full-screen option [ ] at bottom right of video screen. -- of Sue's tales was temporarily delayed in our time portal...but not to be thwarted here's a peek at what you can expect to see in the video.


All in the Family

Doc & Sweetheart Gail

Check out David "Doc" Charp's latest exploits both on the baseball diamond and at his prized medical clinic.

* * * * * *

And for even more news click here to read the article referenced in this All in the Family post. 


All in the Family

Look what we "stumbled" across while surfing the "net!" 

Our very own Bobby Villapiano (far right) with fellow Lady of Mount Carmel altar boys in the late 1950's.  Those were exciting days when we were all preparing to make our way to APHS to form the Class of 1962.

And here we are decades later graced to have Bobby working diligently to locate "missing" classmates so we can invite them to our 60th Reunion to, of all things, reminisce about the good ole' days back in the late 50's early 60's.

As my favorite ballpark philosopher Yogi Berra pronounced -- "It's deja vu all over again!"

+ + + + + 

Pop Quiz - can you identify the 2nd altar boy to Bobby's left?  You can post your answer in the What's New section under this All in the Family post. 


All in the Family

Congrats to Deno Kutrumbos on recently becoming a new grand-pop.  His son Nick and wife Ashley gave birth to Kosta Dean... 

Proud parents...and Kosta Dean

Kosta adds yet another vote to Nick's growing constituency in Winter Park, CO where he proudly serves as mayor.

~ Congrats to the new parents and grand-pop! ~

* * * * * *

Deno - you'll have to promise to bring updated photos of Kosta to our 60th for all to view. 


All in the Family

 Look who's back on stage entertaining this weekend...Nancy Whitehead Zielinski's grand daughter Yuvi.

My how time passes...the kids grow up...and make us so proud!



All in the Family

Howard Daniel's dad honored as 2021 Innovator of the Year in Vintage Guitar Magazine's Hall of Fame.  Check out the full story here.

The Class of 1962 joins  Howard in celebrating his dad's trailblazing work while proudly noting the apple hasn't fallen far from the tree.

Congrats to Mr. Daniels, Howard and the Daniels family!!!


All in the Family

-Off and Running Again!!!-

Chas and Beth recently traveled to Philadelphia to see his granddaughter (Brooke) and grandson (Gavin) compete in the 2022 Penn Relays, the oldest and largest track event in the US.

Brooke, a freshman at North Hunterdon HS, competed in the 4 x 400 relay. She's following her brother Gavin's outstanding NH HS career as a distance runner.  Gavin contiunes his distance running exploits as a Rutger's sophomore. He ran in the Distance Medley Relay.

Brooke is also an aspiring high jumper, having cleared 4’10 this season. Next up for Gavin will be The Big Ten Championships in Minneapolis.


All in the Family

L to R: Wendy Kessler Edelson, Chas Honeker, Lynn Wenger Frankel, Peter Klein, & Diane Phillips Schwartz

Look who got a head-start on our 60th Reunion!  Thanks to Lynn, some of our Florida based classmates (including spouses & significant others) gathered earlier this month to socialize and chat about our 60th planned for October 7 & 8, 2022.

Lynn and Eric hosted the group at their community center where all enjoyed a fun evening.

+ + + + +

Information about our 60th reunion will be arriving soon in classmate email keep an eye open as details will be shared beginning in May and throughout the summer.

- Go Blue Bishops -


All in the Family

Here's a memory challenge for you thanks to Coach McGurrin.  How many of our faculty can you name from the APHS Faculty BB team?  

And here's the bonus question...which faculty member was not present when this picture was taken?

Coach McGurrin will share the names with us during final exam week beginning June 10th.  Self-grading honor system in affect for year-end tabulation and final class rank. 

Grading System

0-3 Correct - morning and afternnon detention with Mr. Roumanis

4-6 Correct -  afternoon detention with Mr. Roumanis

7-9 Correct - one week assignment to Coach Vill's Athletic Staff

Correct bonus question  - one year unresticted hall pass

Nineteenth Edition


All in the Family

Bethesday Boys Renew Birthday Celebration Tradition...a sign that times are improving.  Many happy returns to the "Boyz" from Maryland!

Steve Klitzman, Jerry Spechler, David Bachner & Arlee Reno

Eighteenth Edition


All in the Family

Gavin Richards

Chas Honeker's grandson Gavin is finally back competing after a long layoff due to COVID-19 restrictions. Gavin's a freshman at Syracuse University and a member of the track team.  His specialty is long-distance events where he just recorded his career best mile time of 4:05; beating his previous best by 6 seconds.  This all happened at the recent ACC Mile Championships where Gavin finished 10th in the finals.

Rumor on the street is Abby Nonnenberg, Hank and Lorraines's grand daughter, is competing for Cornell in the field weight events including shotput and disc throw. If we're luckey we might receive a first-hand update from her very proud grandmother. 

Seventeenth Edition


All in the Family

- APHS Faculty vs. Varsity Basketball Team Challenge -

Boy does this bring back fond memories...or maybe not so much considering the final score.

Thanks to Coach Bob McGurrin for sharing with Coach Gorege Snow who sent it our way. Another example of the close knit community we shared back in the good ole' days.

Sixteenth Edition  



Public Service Announcements (PSA)


Now more than ever it's important to wear your facemask when out and about.  Not only to protect yourself but others around you. We recognize there may be times when you forget your mask but need one to complete your business.  

The video below describes alternatives when caught in a bind.

Many thanks to our resident pharmacist Lou Mueller for recommending this informative educational video.


All in the Family


Almost ten years ago, Ira Wexler was asked by the USPS design team to photograph a Vietnam-era Purple Heart for a new stamp.  It was so popular that a few years later a decision was made to update the Purple Heart stamp and make it a Forever stamp. 

Turns out this Purple Heart stamp revision was close to Ira's heart.  It just so happens that his father-in-law, 1st Lt. Arthur Rubin, was injured twice in Normandy during WWII, and was awarded two Purple Hearts and a Silver Star for gallantry in action during a fierce German counter-attack on July 8, 1944.  He passed away in 1978 and rests in Arlington National Cemetery,

Ira was able to get USPS permission to use his father-in-law's Purple Heart for this new Forever stamp, which is still on sale at the post office to this day.

Here’s more about Ira's Purple Heart story:

15th Edition

* * * * *

If you have a personal story to share about family or yourself please let us know by contacting Vinnie Gorman at  We'd love to hear from you!



Adobe Flash Support Ending

Some of you may not not be able to access our classmate monthly birthday announcements. We use Adobe Flash to present the information and certain web browsers no longer support Flash. 
Adobe is discontinuing all support for Flash at the end of the year.
Consequently, we have to convert our birthday announcements to a new format which has not yet been determined.  
Please bare with us as we work through this transition.

We'll keep you posted on our progress along the way.



May I have this dance?  Imagine, we've lived to see all this and more...what no Mashed Potatoes!  

Many thanks to Tom Willingham for sending this our way.


All in the Family


Sasha Wexler, Ira’s daughter, has aspired to be an actress since her early years.  When she was eleven, she asked dad to take her to an audition at Glen Echo Park’s Children’s Theatre.  They were putting on “The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe.”  Sasha was selected to fill one of two female leading roles which triggered a series of successful performances at community theatres spread across the Maryland, DC, and Virginia area. She played Helen Keller in the “Miracle Worker”, the lead character in “Secret Garden” and the youngest daughter in “Fiddler on the Roof’s” national touring company.

When 19 Sasha went to LA for the “pilot season” and is still there to this day.  She has accrued several commercial and theatrical credits through the years while along the way marrying Matt and together raising their 5-year-old son Wyatt.

You can see Sasha HERE in one of her latest commercial gigs for Apple…she is the gal near the end with the bullhorn.  She’s also done commercials for Bud Light, Progressive and Totinos which can be viewed HERE.

Wonder where Sasha's contagious ebullience comes from??? And Yuvi, are you taking notes?

Edition 14


How many can you name from this collage of vintage high school senior pictures?  


The past eight months or so have been challenging for our country and the world.  COVID-19 has changed our lives in many ways while testing our resolve to overcome personal hardships in order to return to pre-COVID norms.

Conflicting information has added to our consternation and made circumstances even more difficult.  As is too often the case reason and common sense seem to take a backseat to special interest agendas.  The following lends an informative view about COVID-19 followed by a video that may help to better put our current state-of-affairs into perspective.


The Wisdom of Dr. Bonnie Henry*

1. We may have to live with COVID-19 for months or years. Let's not deny it or panic. Let's not make our lives useless. Let's learn to live with this fact.

2. You can't destroy COVID-19 viruses that have penetrated cell walls, by drinking gallons of hot water you'll just go to the bathroom more often.

3. Washing hands and maintaining a two-meter physical distance is the best method for your protection.

4. If you don't have a COVID-19 patient at home, there's no need to disinfect the surfaces at your house.

5. Packaged cargo, gas pumps, shopping carts and ATMs do not cause infection. If you wash your hands, live your life as usual.

6. COVID-19 is not a food infection. It is associated with drops of infection like the 'flu. There is no demonstrated risk that COVID-19 is transmitted by food.

7. You can lose your sense of smell with a lot of allergies and viral infections. This is only a non-specific symptom of COVID-19.

8. Once at home, you don't need to change your clothes urgently and go shower! Purity is a virtue, paranoia is not!

9. The COVID-19 virus doesn't hang in the air for long. This is a respiratory droplet infection that requires close contact.

10. The air is clean, you can walk through the gardens and through parks (just keeping your physical protection distance).

11. It is sufficient to use normal soap against COVID-19, not antibacterial soap. This is a virus, not a bacteria.

12. You don't have to worry about your food orders. But you can heat it all up in the microwave if you wish.

13. The chances of bringing COVID-19 home with your shoes is like being struck by lightning twice in a day. I've been working against viruses for 20 years — drop infections don't spread like that! 

14. You can't be protected from the virus by taking vinegar, sugarcane juice and ginger! These are for immunity not a cure.

15. Wearing a mask for long periods interferes with your breathing and oxygen levels. Wear it only in crowds.

16. Wearing gloves is also a bad idea; the virus can accumulate into the glove and be easily transmitted if you touch your face. Better just to wash your hands regularly. Immunity is greatly weakened by always staying in a sterile environment. Even if you eat immune boosting foods, please go out of your house regularly to any park/beach. Immunity is increased by EXPOSURE TO PATHOGENS, not by sitting at home and consuming fried/ spicy/sugary food and aerated drinks.

Be smart and stay informed!  Live life sensibly and to the fullest.

Be Kind, Be Calm and Be Safe!

Dr. Bonnie Henry

* Dr. Henry serves as the Provincial Health Officer for British Columbia and is the first woman to do so.  Henry is also an associate professor at the University of British Columbia. She has a background in epidemiology and is a specialist in public health and preventive medicine.

(Thanks to Jed Gaines for sending Dr. Henry's recommendations to us to share with classmates.)


And's a fascinating histoical perspective on America's resilence.



All in the Family

Nancy Vaiti's granddaughter, Yuvi, recently performed in her eleventh play with Riverdale Children's Theater!  She plays Carlos in Disney's Descendants.  Check out the video link below...Yuvi's wearing the blue hat and multi-colored shirt.  

CONGRATULATIONS Yuvi on a wonderful performance...including lots of singing and dancing.

14th Edition


All in the Family

My greatest joy is creating with my grandchildren. In 2010, I proposed to my two grandchildren, Josie and Nathan, that we write a children's book on the topic of their choosing. We saw a need for early learners to have more enjoyable reading materials to develop a lifetime love of books. We set out to author a concise story kids would never want to stop reading! After many brainstorming sessions, we began writing this book about a unique dog who communicates with humans, but only under very special circumstances. I was excited to see my grandchildren as enthusiastic about this endeavor as when we had started our greeting cards company. During that time, they learned the processes of a functioning business.

While writing this book together, we learned so much about the many puzzle pieces required to write, illustrate, and publish this book for you! Each step along the way was borne out of a passion for and the love of fostering the imaginations of little ones learning to read. Although I wrote their ideas on paper, the creativity and endless revisions were definitely a team effort. This book would not exist without Nathan’s and Josie’s ideas, energy, perseverance and commitment to the project. After 10 years of hard work and dedication, our book is now ready for young readers. I hope all who read this will learn about the importance of friendship, diversity and communication. Most of all, I hope it motivates you to create something special with those you love the most. – Bob

13th Edition

Click here for Amazon and to check out Bob's book.



Bob Benson

Reprinted from FACEBOOK without the author's permission...

Not too long after the Covid thing started I resorted to my way of addressing things of a serious nature and that is with rhyming poetry. It's never meant to be good, but it is my way of thinking about things. So I will share this poem with you.

Corona Virus Poem
Corona beer…good…Corona virus bad
So many people dying…so so sad

Seems very few have any resistance
And the only known action is to socially distance

Scientists busy trying to develop a cure
But this virus just wants to endure

Most people have hunkered down at home
Would put themselves at risk if they were to roam

Most of us bored out of our mind
Who would have thought we could be so confined?

Can’t go to a ballgame or watch sports on TV
Instead we’re becoming an expert on the CDC

And spending so much time in just one room
Might be too hard to bear if we didn’t have Zoom

Just imagine, one of our most important tasks
Is that when leaving our home, we must wear a mask

And only weeks ago when we saw that friendly mug
Instead of a wave we would give a hug

Flattening the curve is discussed every day
From this concept were told not to stray

If all we have to do is hunker down
Then best we not be seen wearing a frown

Because many are in situations that are so much worse
And not just those who end up in a hearse

Many will lose their shop or their store
All because of this horrible war

And many others will be without a job
And if that doesn’t make you want to sob

A man may not be able to visit his sick wife
And never see her again before the end of her life

The effects of this virus will never go away
It will remain with us day after day after day after day

But out of this horror will come some good
For those who are anxious, this needs to be understood

Many of us have learned to talk to each other
Father to son, daughter to mother

Children who got bored when there was nothing to do
May now have a somewhat different view

Many went walking to get away from cake and pies
Some will continue to walk just for the exercise

Still some will continue to order on line
Their groceries, their shampoo, their beer and their wine

And finally, we thank those who risked their health
For each of them, we pray for great wealth




...a much needed break from our daily news headlines.

Rioting in major cities across the U.S. has spread to The Villages, a Florida retirement community of 100,000+



Looters in Florida’s friendliest hometown have especially focused on breaking into stores that sell items like laxatives, vitamins, hearing aids, reading glasses, energy drinks and surgical stockings.

The thugs were easily caught and arrested since they were using their walkers and golf carts to flee.

The protests have been limited to the evening hours because most of the lawbreakers either had doctor’s appointments during the day or rioting would have interfered with their naps. 

The marches did not last long because many of the demonstrators had to get home to pee. In many cases, the demonstrators simply forgot why they were even there. 

Officials considered a curfew starting at 9 p.m. but since that’s the time when most of the residents go to bed anyway, it was decided that it wasn’t needed. 

Community leaders concluded that part of the problem was that residents were restless because they had too much time on their hands since the recreation centers, pools, theaters, boutique stores and especially the bars were closed due to the COVID-19 virus. 

Community officials considered forming a committee to look further into the problem, however, the next day no one could remember why they needed a committee.




All in the Family

Happy Birthday Anna...despite COVID-19 restrictions a community finds a way to come together to celebrate a special occassion for a special girl.

   Note: Betty Ann Moore Mela's son Jeff is Curtis Middle School's Principal.

Eleventh Edition


Tired of "Stay at Home" retrictions? 

Let's take a ride...

Thanks to Steve Adler for sharing.


Tired of the daily barrage of COVID-19 warnings and shut-downs?  If so, go here for a welcome break.



So Much Happening Day-to-Day

One of the most important defenses encouraged by health professionals is to regularly wash our hands. This practical demonstration may be helpful as we all do our part to reduce the virus spreading and to avoid contagion.




All in the Family

Check out latest All in the Family edition..."Lunch with Larry." 

Tenth Edition


Here's a perfect example of the old new math.  Somehow I envision Bob Armstrong masterfully presenting the theories behind this complicated system.  Something tells me though, that Mmes. Ross and Meserve would likely take exception despite Army's stellar explanation.  Hope you enjoy!!!


Remember the original Mouseketeers and Disney’s The Mickey Mouse Club in the mid 1950’s. How many Mouseketeers can you name? 

Some 65 years later, Disney is still at it with its latest project “Encore” … a reality series that reunites high school classmates to perform the same musical they’d performed as kids. 

Imagine Irene, Harry, Steve, Roz, Hal, Carol, Jules, Beth, Toby, Judy, Diane, and our entire senior play cast coming together for one more production.

Go here for a glimpse of how that may play out while looking back at our high school days and all that has happened since.


(Thanks to Ron Taft for bringing this to our attention.)


Asbury Park...One of the Country's Coolest Shore Towns

Our favorite town that holds so many fond memories from our glory days at APHS continues its incredible revival.  Check out the latest in a series of events that has returned Asbury Park's stature to where we all know it belongs.


(Many thanks to Betty Ann Moore Mela and Steve Adler for tuning us in to the latest Asbury Park happenings.) 

All in the Family 

For some reason, this picture really struck home with me. 

Hand and Hand

Our two granddaughters on one of many daily walks with mom…and yes, there is light at the end of the tunnel.

12th Edition



APHS Distinguished Alumni Hall of Fame

~Inducts Class of '62 Members~

Click  [  ] on bottom right screen after starting video for best view.


Can you believe it's been almost four years since Lou Mueller opened Mainstreet Pharmacy in his small hometown in Florida!  And not long thereafter, he opened a second pharmacy nearby.

As you might imagine Lou has not rested on his laurels.  Check out here his latest goings-on.

Way to go Lou!


Money Magazine confirms Asbury Park has regained its stature as the Jersey Shore's preeminent beach hotspot for locals and tourists alike.  Click here to read all about it!

For even more information go here for the Garden State's take on Asbury's rejuvenation and selection as the the SECOND BEST BEACH RESORT in the COUNTRY.

WOW !!!


Thanks to Steve Klitzman for bringing this to our attention and to Phil Schein (Class of '57) who alerted his APHS classsmate Linda Ben-Zvi, Steve's sister who lives in Israel and alerted Steve.  Did you get all that?



Open for Business...Check out the new Classifieds and More section of the web site.  A place where you can post items for sale or where we can chronicle meaningful stories of events you'd like to share with your classmates.

So don't be shy - click here to see the initial entries to your new Classifieds.  


"Oh What a Night"...on second thought...Oh What a Year...then again...OH WHAT A CLASS!!!



...the GOOD, the Bad, and the Ugly 

Click here for a moving journey down memory lane.  Our generation's good times happily fostered good memories...while those that followed strive to recapture the "magic" that has sadly faded over time.

(Thanks to Gene Catalano, Howard Daniel, & Diane Fischer for bringing this poignant video to our attention.) 


United Kingdom's London Times touts Asbury Park as a Recommended Travel Destination 

Billed as "one of the birthplaces of American music" the writer encourages readers to visit the Jersey Shore and to take in its many attractions including Frank's Deli, the Stone Pony and Jimmy's Italian Restaurant on Asbury Avenue. 

A big thanks to Larry Wigdortz's wife Judy and son Brett, who currently resides in London, for bringing the article to our attention.  Imagine Brett's surprise when he came across the Times' article featuring his dad's hometown back in Jersey some 50 years plus since graduation and 3400 miles across the Atlantic.  A small world indeed!

Click here to read the May 11, 2014 London Times article.


...and if there was ever any question that the Jersey Shore is "one of the birthplaces of American music" as claimed by the London Times article and many other music industry sources -- check out this collage (and it's not all inclusive!!!) of Jersey performers through the years.

(Thanks to Lou Mueller for sending us the video.)


Have You Seen the Latest Addtions to Our Memorabilia Page???

  • Back in the 50' Video (Vinnie Gorman)


  • Those Were the Days (Lou Mueller)


  • Oldies but Goodies from the 1950's & 60's  (Vinnie Gorman)


  • NJ Stars - New Jersey & Jersey Shore's many contributions to the music world (Serge Rey)


  • The "Circuit" - how many times have you cruised Asbury's famous "Circuit" (Pat Boyd Thorne)


CLICK HERE To BEGIN YOUR JOURNEY...many thanks Serge and Pat for sharing -- do YOU have any nuggets to share with your clasmates??? 



  • Great turnout for all events
  • Camaraderie and friendship flourished
  • Wonderful memories rekindled





SURVEY Says...

GREAT RESPONSE!!! - 58% Classmate Participation


What did we learn about the Class of 1962...

  • Well-educated -- over three-quarters enrolled in college full-time after graduation and another 11% part-time
  • About 18% are VETERANS
  • Over half (55%) are retired while a quarter work full-time and 22% part-time
  • Wide range of occupations with strong emphasis in education
  • Three-quarters are married...a quarter of whom married high school sweethearts; 4% are single, 15% divorced and 9% widowed
  • Ninety percent have children and two-thirds are grandparents
  • After graduating 20% continued to live in NJ; while 26% lived in at least one other state and 43% have lived in two to five states
  • We're a mobile group...almost two-thirds lived or traveled outside US
  • Generosity comes natural---two-thirds (67%) volunteer for community service with 28% putting in 20 hours or more a week;  half are willing to gift APHS
  • Over half (53%) had never returned to APHS since graduating
  • Nearly half (48%) have a Facebook page

-Survey Results Confirm APHS Experience Prepared Class of '62 Graduates for Success-   

To see detailed responses for each question CLICK HERE and select View Survey Results.


Many thanks to Roy Kaplan for analyzing the survey responses and providing these highlights. 


Certainly, thanks to all those who submitted your survey response.  For without your participation this would not have been possible.  Hope you had a little fun and enjoy viewing the results. 




Sandy Relief Fund - Final Result


We are pleased to report that a check for the sum of $1758 was delivered, prior to Christmas, on behalf of the APHS Class of 1962 to the American Red Cross Jersey Coast Chapter to aid Sandy relief efforts in Monmouth and Ocean Counties.

BIG THANKS is extended to the TWENTY CLASSMATES who participated for their geneorsity and support for this worthy cause.